Monday, October 15, 2012

The awkward moment when.............

So one day,when i was in my room, trying hard to concentrate in completing my law online quiz, i was then interrupted by a voice..My housemate right next door is singing. i was immediately like '= = expression ' ..and at first i thought it would stop after a minute or two, but it turns out that she sang for like an hour ++. Its clearly that she's trying hard on her voice, singing with skills on 'it will rain' and 'someone like you'....if it was other day, i would have enjoyed, but, not was rather, annoying to me, cause you know when you are trying hard to remain silent and calm for study but then suddenly interrupt by someone, no matter how great the voice is. It, is, still....  unfavourable.

Then i somehow came out with this stupid idea of pretending to be on phone, trying to pretend myself talking on phone about this girl singing right next to my door...LOLLL ( i know that is stupid) ...guess what? it didn't work, guess she was wearing earphone or something ( i know i should've knock her door, request for silence, but then...allow me to call myself a, no! i just dont wanna make her feel embarrassed requesting ftf) *lame* , anyway... at last i tuned my earphone volume to max to cover over her voice...its the only way out

So in the end, this whole thing ended when she went out for lunch..... and finally i got my silence back.what a moment

'The awkward moment when you are trying to concentrate but then your housemate next door starts to sing out loud.'

p/s:  random post, stay tuned for more =) ! goodluck everyone <3 nbsp="nbsp">

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