Okay...lets start with something that i am familiar with--MUSIC
-- i love music more than anything,no matter what type,what kind or played with which instrument..as long as it is something nice,Ta-Da..thats it!
-- My main instrument is piano,which i started to learn since was four,till date..its 14 years already..will be having my diploma sooner or later..i hope i have the time!!
-- I wish to learn guitar,violin and harp ..will be starting off with guitar first..self study will do.HAHA
-- I was told to own 'Perfect Pitch' by my secondary school music teacher..it happens just like
that..he tested me and told me this,he said it was a rare talent,there was once a student in school like me ,i am the second one..i should go on to music industry..well..i have thought about it..but somehow..it just didnt convince me much...and so..i tested it online myself...here's the result...but i still feel unbelievable..It makes me confuse also..should i go music or others?...God did give me this rare talent with reasons..doesnt He?
Anyway...true or not...something true is i can play by ear..which is the reason why i can play all
those pop songs without scores and improvised it...noneed to spend money to buy the books or
print it...haha...thats one of the benefit rite?XD
p/s: if you dont know what perfect pitch is...do GOOGLE it yourself.=)
-- I start to compose my own song since i was ten..the song title is 'If '..I composed it after some sad moment..if you happened to hear it..just feel it yourself..=)...till date i am still composing..but i keep it to myself...haha..
p/s: *yawning*..Its late now...i will continue some other day=)...do stay tuned! good luck everyone!!♥